When you first install Windows 95, your infrared port should be detected and most likely it will be found as a 'Generic Ir Serial Port'. If not, then I'm afraid that your computer has some kind of special infrared port.
So to use DirectIR in Windows 95, we don't have to do anything! Isn't that great?

It is possible that the 'Microsoft IrDA 2.0 Infrared Driver' with the 'Microsoft Infrared Monitor (IRMON)' is installed on your Win95 system. You can detect it if you see an icon in your tray which looks like on of these:

The first icon shows that the monitor is enabled. This is not good because this means IrDA is enabled and we want DirectIR! So if this is the case, right-click on the icon and deselect 'Enable infrared communication'. If you have done this, then the icon should look like the 2nd icon. Now IrDA mode is not active anymore, instead DirectIR mode is active. And this is what we want!

Look in your 'Device Manager' ('Control Panel' -> 'System' -> 'Device Manager'). Your infrared port should be listed under 'Ports COM & LPT' as a 'Generic Ir Serial Port (COMx)'. Look at this picture:

Congratulations! DirectIR mode is now working on your computer!